Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Layers of a rainforest

One of the most interesting things about a rainforest is its's got 4 layers in all.

You can see some devoted environmentalists spending days studying just 1 layer...
I know one guy Debajyoti Dutta Roy whose life-long ambition is to just make about a $1 million, and spend the rest of his life in the woods, making audio visuals and enjoying the scenery.
Check out his stuff at
Now, may I point, the layers are all dependent on each other.

Check out this excerpt from source :

"The rainforest canopy is divided into four main layers: the emergent layer consists of the tallest trees (emergent trees) which can grow to heights of 70m. These trees act as a buffer, sheltering the lower trees from heavy rains. Beneath this layer is the main canopy of smaller trees which are intertwined with climbing vines and hold flowering plants, called epiphytes, on their branches. Below this is the understorey containing young saplings and shrubs. The final layer, the dark forest floor contains only a few plants as only 2% of the sunlight reaches this layer of the forest, making it difficult for plants to grow. "

Since the tall trees act as a buffer....the cutting down of these ultimately lead to the destruction of the entire rainforest.....causing the destruction of fauna dependent on the flora, too.

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